Greetings everyone!
I've been home since the end of June, obviously too inundated with friends and family to update since arriving back in the States. It's good to see everyone again, and it's refreshing to breathe air that's not saturated with humidity.
I'll be leaving again for Taiwan on August 10. Until then, I have lots of fundraising to do! I was officially accepted by LCMS World Mission only last week, which leaves me a week and a half now to fundraise my needed $6,000 of gifts and pledges. If you would like to help me out, please visit, click on Make a Gift, and then Missionary Support. Then search my name (my page might not be up for a few days, so if you don't see it, try again). If you can't find it or want to know of other ways to give, please email me at
Last Sunday I gave a presentation at my church about Taiwan and the work being done there. It was a great turnout and I was happy to share the exciting news with so many people. If you think your church would be interested in showing my video or presentation to promote supporting me in Taiwan, I would love to hear about the opportunity.
Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement, and support-- I cannot do this without you. The next you'll be hearing from me will probably be in three weeks, when I'm settled back in and getting ready to teach. God bless you all!
In Christ,
Anna Gruen