Monday, August 19, 2013

A Whole New Year

It's amazing that I've been back in Taiwan for four weeks now.  Times flies and I have so much to say, so little time to write:


God provided for all my financial needs through brothers and sisters in Christ in lightning-speed this summer!  My sincerest thanks, again, for providing me the opportunity to serve the people of Taiwan for another year!  But my time in the States went by so quickly--  and I wish there was more of it to spend with all of you.


The last four weeks have consisted of teaching summer school-- a light schedule, but difficult breaking in the new 7th grade students to the school's high expectations, and monotonous teaching the very basic English lessons we begin the year with.  I have one particularly wonderful class-- the students are all responsive and respectful-- and another particularly challenging class-- undisciplined and uncaring.  I am being stretched in my ability to manage a classroom, to discipline students, and to be patient.  So, thank God for new challenges!


Other than that, my role for the last couple of weeks has been helping organize and update the house we live in (which we have named the "practice hotel" because it used to be a hotel used by the school to teach hospitality courses to students).  Since missionaries come and go rather quickly here, the house was left outdated, cluttered, and in need of repair.  The school agreed to update some things for us, and we missionaries spent a lot of time cleaning, organizing, sorting and rearranging.  The girls in our house are all excited to have a new kitchen and washer/dryer.  It's so nice to have a comfortable house that looks fresh and clean.  The last couple years have been riddled with mice, fleas, and cockroaches.   As of right now, I think we're mice-free and I haven't seen any cockroaches in a while.  Needless to say, we are so blessed with what we have now!


We've also been busy helping new missionaries adapt to life in Taiwan.  Each new team member who comes is an investment, and it takes time to teach the ins and outs of what we do here.  Everything from how to order tea at a tea stand, to grocery shopping, to proper eating etiquette, to driving a motor scooter, to getting around the city, to learning necessary Chinese-- it all takes time and someone to show you how.  I really enjoy this aspect of team life, and I'm glad God is giving me so many opportunities to teach all the things that have been taught to me.  Every challenge that can inhibit people when they come to Taiwan can also be an equal sense of accomplishment once it's mastered.  The language barrier can be a huge struggle for newcomers, but it is such a joy once you can order your food by yourself in Chinese!  So we encourage each other by teaching each other.

That's all I have for now.  By Wednesday we'll have our full team and start to get a feel for team dynamics.  It's different every year, but always a HUGE blessing to have partners in ministry.  The fall semester starts in two weeks, so I'm hoping to do a little traveling the week in between summer school and the fall semester.  I'm hoping to learn more about the aboriginal cultures in Taiwan of which I am particularly passionate about learning.  I'll be sure to tell you all about it. :)

For all of those starting a new school year in the States.... have fun and God's blessings!  Enjoy every moment of it!  Learning is such a joy.  Praise God that we always have new things to learn every day.

In Christ,

Anna Gruen