Dear friends,
I've left my blog abandoned since December even though much has been happening.
In January a Mongolian girl came to our Friday Night Bible Study. Though she does not have much Bible knowledge, it is clear that she loves God, wants to learn more about him, and identifies herself as Christian. Her parents in Mongolia hate Jesus and told her to never go to church, but she had secretly been attending for several years. Now that she's in Taiwan studying, she's free to worship Jesus openly and attend our English Bible study. I had the honor to sit with her at our Bible study while she heard the story of Lazarus for the first time. "Did this really happen?" "Is this really possible?" "This is amazing!" She said out of awe, not disbelief. I can't remember the first time I heard this story, so seeing her initial reaction to God's glory filled me with joy. My friend and I have been seeing her alternately every week, sharing the fundamental Bible stories with her. I am completely humbled that God has put me in a position of teaching such a willing and joyful student. Why me? I am not worthy, but God is worthy of her praise, so I must do my best. I am fully confident that this girl will not only take to heart all of these Bible lessons, but also take them back to her church in Mongolia, where dozens of young people gather to sing praises to Jesus and study the only poor translation of the Bible they have available to them. Please pray for your Mongolian sister.
Also, I've been talking with a Taiwanese Jehovah's witness for months. I admire her dedication, her extensive Biblical knowledge, and her arduous work for Jehovah God, but she refuses to recognize who He is-- The Three in One. We've talked doctrine and apologetics many times and personal faith and experiences even more times. She rejects Jesus' divinity, and by doing so rejects God's whole Identity. It's made clear to me that God's Spirit is the One who reveals the wisdom of God to us-- no matter how much evidence one sees, it is impossible to say Jesus is Lord except by the His Spirit. It's ironic that although my Mongolian friend has little to no Bible knowledge, she hears God's Word with an open heart and accepts what it says, yet someone who has studied the Bible for years cannot understand when Jesus says plainly that He has existed before the creation of the world. With God's Spirit comes wisdom, not in the letter of the Law but in the Spirit of the Law.
I pray that God keeps us all clay that He's able to mold and shape, humble and teachable, and that He gives us His Spirit to fully understand His Word.
In Christ,
P.S. Next entry, I'll share some of my experiences during our time in India. It was definitely blessed by God.