Wednesday, May 2, 2012


So much to write about!

This weekend we went to Kenting, the southern tip of Taiwan, for our team Spring Retreat.  It was beautiful and so much fun!  While on the beach we ended up digging a huge hole, which attracted more crowds than the ocean (haha).  It's kind of funny, the things that God can use to reach people.  Check out a silly video that our friend Graham put together.  I think you will get a sense of the humor that pervades the American dorms.

Here are some more beautiful pictures of what I got to see:

 Our hostel.

Grilled squid is quite delicious.

Woke up to see the sunrise over the beach, but it turned out to be behind the mountain.

Washed-up coconut


The beach in Kenting.  Saturday was rainy but Sunday was hot and sunny!

Hermit crabs are everywhere, if you know where to look for them.

If nothing else, I had a marvelous time just taking pictures.  We also enjoyed Bible studies every day, worship Sunday morning, and toasts to exiting team members.

It's another week, and I've been busy.  I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in two years.  Her name is Sophia and she was in the master's program at CUW where we met.  She was visiting from Taipei, and it turns out her parents live only ten minutes away from me!  They invited me out to eat and reserved a room in a restaurant where they brought dish after dish.  I can add pig blood soup to the list of "icky foods" (which is a fairly short list but consists of stinky tofu, little fish, and chicken feet) and can now add duck, octopus, shellfish squares, and cold noodles with peanut sauce to the list of delicious new things.  What blew me away wasn't the food, but how they treated me like absolute royalty.  I went back home with more food than what I ate at the restaurant.  None of the family speaks English, so it will be interesting if I go back to visit my friend's family while she is in Taipei (which they said I have to do, so they can give me more food).  I was exhausted after that experience; even coming from a big family, I never realized how dinner could be such a sensory overload.  While my friend goes to church, her family is basically Buddhist.  Not being able to speak with them makes me rely on Jesus' presence through my actions as my only way to witness at this point.  It takes trust to know that the time I spend witnessing in this way is not in vain.

There are so many students that come into the English office to ask questions or just chat.  I'm learning it's a good opportunity to invite them to Friday Night Bible study.  That a venue is really effective because the people that come really want to learn.  There they can also meet other Taiwanese Christians; it's a fellowship that is so vital for believers, to know that they are not forsaking their Taiwanese roots by embracing Jesus.

Here is a video that I found that I'm trying to share as much as possible.  It's about the Genesis story written within the ancient Chinese characters.  To be honest I have not watched the whole thing, but the beginning is fascinating!  I encourage you to watch at least a little bit, or do some research on your own on this topic:

Well, I'm done with school for the day, so I think I'll go for a run or a bike ride.  Not too hungry, so maybe just pineapple and leftovers will make a good supper.  God bless! :)



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